The Healing Journey

In my growth is beauty, and I wanted to document my healing. Writing has always helped me come to a deeper understanding of my inner world, it’s always been an action of healing for me, I used to write all the time when I was a younger version of myself, and then… I just stopped. I’m unsure as to why, but I feel my rebellion stage, my partying and drinking stage while seeking external validation had a big role to play, I lost myself in a world of escapism, not knowing how to face my demons that haunted me, and not knowing how to love myself. As far back as I can remember, I always felt alone, sad, seeking validation and happiness outside of me. Life has never been easy, I always seemed to choose the toughest road to go down, I ran, I hid, and I forgot as much as possible playing the victim, and I lost myself never truly knowing who I was. I’m learning now, I’m learning to face my pain, to untangle my web of emotions, and stop running and to finally accept what has made me who I am, missing pieces and all. In those missing pieces I get to discover who I want to be, and pour love and forgiveness into myself, while discovering what makes me happy. I’ve made some big shifts this past year facing multiple challenges , and I know this year I will face a whole new set of challenges, but I’ve never been more proud of myself than I am right now, broken pieces and all because I am starting to take my power back, I’ve finally starting to accept who I am and form who I want to become, I’m building the foundation of becoming the best version of myself.

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