It’s Ok..

It’s ok to need time.
It’s ok to step back.
It’s ok to process.
Sometimes we get so caught up in the moment that we forget to take a step back.
To breathe.
To ground and come back to what truly matters.
The present moment.
Life isn’t easy, being a human isn’t easy.
To think about the past, where we’ve been and where we are there’s power.
Teachings that have been etched on your heart, held in your body that continue to challenge the person you’re becoming.
Teachings for a better evolution.
All pain has a reason, just as all love does.
This journey of experiencing life is never linear.
Just as the lotus grows in the mud, or a caterpillar turns to goo in their Chrysalis, human healing is much the same.
We are not our pain… we the evolution and wisdom we gain from it.
We are the proud and beautiful lotus, elevating through the depths to stand taller and stronger.
We are the beautiful butterfly who magnificently went from goo to an incredible force of life.
Our pain is a doorway to our evolution, our regeneration, a rebirth.

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