Believe in Something…

Spirituality unfolded for me, its been as much as a process of my healing than anything else. The belief that there is a higher power, be it god, universe, source whatever it is that you personally believe in, I needed something to keep me going during the challenging times.

I started believing in a higher power through my journey about 3 years ago. It is my belief that I was put here for a reason, that I have a soul mission and that I am meant for BIG things! It is my belief that the ones that go through the most pain and heartache, the ones that are challenged the most where life just never really comes easy are the ones being prepped for something even more soul fulfilling, deeply inspiring and purposeful than they can imagine! From spirit guides, to angels, numerology, karmic ties, past lives, soul contracts, energy and frequencies is all the “woo woo” that I believe in, and I absolutely LOVE discovering everything Spirituality has to offer.

It started with my first visit with a Spiritual Advisor 3 years ago, I was fascinated by her wisdom and her reading of my own personal challenges, she was the soul who inspired me down my spiritual path. Her first book recommendation to me was “Journey of Souls” by Robert Newton, PHD. This book I couldn’t put down as I learned about soul evolution, reincarnation, a souls path and purpose, along with the different levels of a souls journey that we can go through. Every word of Mr. Newton resonated with me, and I could feel the energy and curiosity in my body as I continued to read his words. Before reading this book I had a fear of death and the afterlife, not knowing what was going to happen, how I was going to feel and now I have a sense of calm around death more than I had previously, yes it’s still uncertain and somewhat scary for me, but the words in this book did give me some peace of mind and I was able to let go of some fear around the process. For anyone who has been curious about the afterlife, and is willing to look at it with an open mind, I would highly recommend this book.

To this day she is still my Spiritual Advisor and has helped guide me through my awakening process in a gentle way, with book recommendations, crystal recommendations and different visualizations and grounding techniques that I can use when I’m not feeling connected. This is my practice that helps me get through the harder days, and it is a practice that I dedicate myself to. Mindfulness has become a powerful tool when I’m feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and confused I try to find a quiet spot with my eyes closed and observe my thoughts, understand and feel that whatever is happening in my body is an emotion caused by my thoughts, and my thoughts are just thoughts usually caused by living in the past or the future and the “what if’s”, coming back to the present moment grounds me, and can bring clarity, ease, and peace.

I’m searching for a deeper understanding currently, almost like the level of Spirituality and belief that I posses has got me through a great ordeal of my souls evolution, but I’m now searching for more answers that I can’t quite articulate, currently a “New Believers Bible” made it’s way into my hands. As a child, actually throughout my whole life I was never much of a church person. I wasn’t raised in a church household, but I did find myself visiting Church 4 years ago. For about a year, I enjoyed going for the community and the stories that were shared helped me feel not so alone in my journey, but at times I simply didn’t resonate with the teachings, the gospel, or the scripture. For me Spirituality makes sense, it aligns with my soul…but, I can’t help but believe there is also more that I am not aware of…

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